Could a Proposed Wyoming Nuclear Reactor Hint at Colorado’s Energy Future?
The Bill Gates–backed project has the potential to provide a blueprint for the expansion of nuclear power throughout the Rocky Mountain West.
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to build new kind of nuclear reactor in Wyoming
The project in Wyoming – the country’s top coal-producing state – is a small advanced reactor with salt-based storage that could boost output
"We think we've created a model that solves all the key problems using a design called a traveling wave reactor.
TerraPower's reactor could run on many different types of fuel, including the waste from other nuclear facilities. The reactor would produce far less waste than today's plants, would be fully automated-eliminating the possibility of human error-and could be built underground, protecting it from attack. Finally, the design would be inherently safe, using some ingenious features to control the nuclear reaction; for example, the radioactive fuel is contained in pins that expand if they get too hot, which slows the nuclear reaction down and prevents overheating. Accidents would literally be prvented by the laws of physics."
- Bill Gates, 『How to Avoid a Climate Diasaster』, KNOPF, p.83.
Inside Bill's Brain에서 봤던 내용들이 이제 슬슬 실현되기 시작하는 것 같다.
빌 게이츠가 택한 ‘나트륨 원전', 핵폐기물 95% 줄고 연료비 획기적 절감
빌 게이츠가 택한 나트륨 원전, 핵폐기물 95% 줄고 연료비 획기적 절감 워런 버핏과 냉각재로 나트륨 이용하는 소형 원자로 건설 韓, 소형 원자로 개발 빨랐으나 탈원전으로 늦어져
테라파워 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
한국원자력연구원은 2012년 8월부터 1년여간 게이츠 이사장이 설립한 '테라파워'측과 기술 협력을 해왔다. 토륨 원전을 가동하려면 핵재처리를 해야 하는데, 한국이 개발중인 핵재처리 기술인 파